Wednesday, July 16, 2008

more de-chunking (chaosreader patch)

ok, so i went ahead and wrote a quick patch to chaosreader to handle chunk-encoded transfers. files extracted from http sessions should be automagically dechunked. not sure if \r\n vs. \n line ends make any difference.

< ### Chunk Check
< if ( $http_header =~ /Transfer-Encoding: chunked/ ) {
< my $new_http_data="";
< my $chunksize=-1;
< my $pos=0;
< until ($chunksize==0) {
< my $eolpos=index($http_data,"\r\n",$pos);
< $chunksize=hex(substr($http_data,$pos,$eolpos - $pos));
< $pos=($eolpos+2);
< if ($chunksize > 0) {
< $new_http_data.=substr($http_data,$pos,$chunksize);
< }
< $pos+=($chunksize+2);
< }
< $http_data=$new_http_data;
< }

download link

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